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Author: Rebecca Fanucci

Everything you need to teach food chains

Is food chains up next in your curriculum? Most students learn food chains in the elementary grades, so how do you make it interesting and rigorous at the secondary level? Here are some great options: ​1. In this interactive from the BBC, students go through 3 levels and identify food chains

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The BEST video clips for teaching symbiosis

I like to use a lot of video clips in my lessons. Video clips keep students engaged and it breaks up the monotony of the notes. After lots of searching on the internet for good videos for my symbiosis lesson, I’ve found some real winners! Your students will love these

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Puzzles and Games in the Science Classroom

You’re giving a big unit test in a few days so you hand the students a study guide. A handful of the students dive in and get it done, while the rest answer about 3 questions and quit. You remind them that it is worth points, so the not-so-interested students

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Scientific Method Labs for Biology Teachers

It’s the beginning of the year, and chances are you are starting off teaching or reviewing the scientific method. If you’ve looked around on the internet for scientific method labs, you will notice that the majority are not biology related. Don’t get me wrong- building paper airplanes, measuring bubbles, and

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FREE Science Posters!

As teachers, we are always on a budget. Decorating classrooms can get pricey. When I first started teaching I was spending a fortune online and at teaching supply stores to buy science posters so my walls weren’t so drab. Since then, I’ve been creating my own science posters that the

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Teaching Natural Selection and Evolution

Natural selection is one of my favorite topics to teach. Students enter the classroom with prior misconceptions and it’s fun to have students figure out what natural selection and evolution really mean. Here is a list of my favorite natural selection and evolution activities: 1. Battle of the Beaks– This

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Summer Science Activities for Kids

It’s Summer! Time to keep those little hands busy The time we get to sleep in and relax (a little….) As a science teacher I’ve had multiple friends ask me the same question: “What science activities can I do with my kids over the summer?” I remember growing up over

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