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Author: Rebecca Fanucci

Low Prep Sub Plans for Secondary Science

Know that feeling of DREAD when you wake up sick and school starts in a couple hours? Or are you so mentally drained you need a day off? (Been there!) Coming up with sub plans can be more of a hassle than just showing up and pushing through. BUT, you

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Plate Tectonics Activities

I absolutely LOVE teaching plate tectonics. What kid doesn’t love learning about earthquakes and volcanoes?! I’ve compiled a list of activities you can choose from to make this one of your students’ favorite units (and probably your favorite too).1. Why do Earth’s plates move in the first place? Use this

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Conservation of Mass Experiments

The law of conservation of mass states that mass in a closed system will not change before and after a chemical reaction. Mass isn’t created or destroyed, it just moves places. Seems simple enough, but this law can be difficult to demonstrate. It seems nearly impossible to get PERFECT data

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Hot Spot Island Formation Lab

Normally volcanoes form at plate boundaries, but hot spots are an exception. Hot spots are areas in the mantle that are exceptionally hot, and form plumes that break through the crust. They are great evidence of plate tectonic movement because they form island chains. Take Hawaii for example- the big

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Water, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Rock Cycle Games

Bored of teaching the carbon, nitrogen, water, or rock cycles? Spice things up by having students take a ride through each of the cycles with these interactive games! In these games, students will roll a die at stations throughout the cycles and pick up paper tokens along the way. For

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Brain Breaks for Secondary Students

When I moved to my current school the department chair made it clear that we should “teach bell to bell.” I understand the logic in this, and sometimes class does last exactly 50 minutes. But if EVERY teacher taught bell to bell EVERY period, students would never have time to

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Tech Tools to Support ELL Students

Teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) can be so fun and rewarding. They are some of my favorite students to work with. They tend to be hard working and driven. (You may want to check out my blog post with 10 tips for teaching ELLs in the science classroom). The main

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Thanksgiving and Fall Science Activities

Fall is by far my FAVORITE time of year. Seeing the leaves change color is truly the highlight of my year. Are you looking to bring some fall or thanksgiving themed activities into your classroom? Here are some ideas: 1. The best part of thanksgiving is the meal, but do

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Digital Choice Boards for Science

Have you ever tried out choice boards with your students? I love them because they give students some voice and choice in their learning. Choice boards provide a variety of ways for students to demonstrate they have mastered a concept. Your students that love to write can choose to answer

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Glow in the Dark Science Halloween Experiments

It doesn’t matter what age you are, glow in the dark experiments are a blast!Did you know that tonic water glows under a black light? It has a chemical in it called “quinine” that causes it to glow. You can substitute out tonic water for regular tap water in some

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Forensic Entomology

Forensics is a topic students LOVE to learn about, so even if you don’t teach an entire course on it, throwing in a few lessons at the end of the semester is always fun. There are a ton of labs you can do ranging from blood spatter, fingerprinting, analyzing hair

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