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Author: Rebecca Fanucci

Mineral Teaching Resources

I hear from a lot of teachers that teaching rocks and minerals is booooring (I beg to differ!)I have two blog posts for you- this one with resources to help you teach minerals and a second to help you teach rocks. Side note: I want to point out that there

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Geologic Time Teaching Resources

Geologic time is one of the last topics I cover in my biology class. We discuss it briefly throughout the year when we learn about ecological succession and evolution, but we don’t take a deeper dive until the end of the  year. I absolutely LOVE any excuse to get out

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Using Legos to model science concepts

I’m a big fan of using models to demonstrate science concepts. When students can visually see a concept, it makes it significantly easier to understand. For example- if you ask students about the components of the atmosphere, they tend to think oxygen is the most abundant. Here is an easy

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Dendrochronology Lesson Plans

Dendrochronology is the study of tree rings. Tree ring data can provide us information from the year they formed, including what the climate and atmospheric conditions were like. Scientists most commonly use living trees to collect data, but data can also be taken from archeological sites and even sunken ships. 

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Science Themed Holiday Ornaments

If you have some spare time before Christmas break and want to do something fun, first off- congrats! I always seem to be squeezing everything in before finals and barely have time to review much less throw in some fun activities.  One fun thing you can do with your students

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Cell Theory Microscope Lab

Teaching the cell theory? If you just throw a bunch of names at your students, chances are they aren’t going to remember them. How can you make this topic more interesting? I like having students actually SEE what these scientists discovered (yes, you will need microscopes). In this cell theory

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Cellular Respiration Resources

As teachers, we all have that one topic we hate to teach. For me, it’s photosynthesis and cellular respiration. They learn the basics in middle school: plants need water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight, and in turn they create oxygen and glucose. Then glucose gets broken down and turns into energy.

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Photosynthesis Teaching Resources

As teachers, we all have that one topic we hate to teach. For me, it’s photosynthesis and cellular respiration. They learn the basics in middle school: plants need water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight, and in turn they create oxygen and glucose. Eventually glucose gets broken down and turns into energy.

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Moon Phase Interactive Poster

Moon phases. Some students catch on right away, while others seem to NEVER get it. (Heck, sometimes I even second guess myself). You’ve tried worksheets, the flashlight and styrofoam ball demo, video clips, and it still isn’t sinking in.  Here is something new you can try: make a moon phase poster

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Glow Stick Science

Glow sticks always increase student engagement! They are inexpensive to buy (I can usually find them 8 for $1 at the dollar store). There are quite a few labs you can do with glow sticks depending on your science content area. Here is a list to choose from! TEACH PHYSICAL

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Student Prizes for High School

Whenever I play review games before a test, I always have some sort of prize students can win. There is a LOT more buy in when there is a prize at stake, even if it’s only worth a few cents! Here are a list of prize ideas your students will

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Biomes Lesson Plans

Ecology is one of my favorite topics to teach (along with evolution), so I’m excited to write up this blog post on biomes!  In biology we begin the year with the characteristics of life, and then move into ecology. I like starting with ecology because it involves relatively easy concepts.

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