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Graphing Stations

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Included in this activity are 8 stations that are centered around graphing. The lesson is 17 pages and non-editable. See description below of each station and required materials.

Station 1: At this station students determine which type of graph should be used based on 3 data sets. No additional materials are needed.

Station 2: At this station students will create a best fit line and calculate slope. You will need to slide the page into a page protector, and provide a ruler, whiteboard marker, and calculator.

Station 3: At this station students will analyze graphs in a PHET simulation. Computer with internet access is required.

Station 4: At this station students will explain how 3 graphs could be fixed or improved to make the data set more clear to the viewer. No additional materials are needed.

Station 5: At this station, students will assemble 9 graphing jigsaw puzzles. You will need to prepare this station by cutting out puzzle pieces.

Station 6: At this station students will watch a Youtube clip on how graphs can mislead viewers. Computer with internet access is required.

Station 7: At this station students will create a bar graph based on a variety of objects you provide. Objects should all be the same, but come in a variety of colors (such as Legos, pom pom balls, crayons, or pony beads).

Station 8: At this station students will create titles for 3 given graphs. No additional materials are needed.

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