Design a GMO PBL project
Want a fun way to end your genetics unit? In this project, students will:
1. Learn about GMOs and genetic engineering
2. Research a GMO that is already in production
3. With a group, design a new GMO that meets a global need
What this product includes:
- This product is 100% editable!
- Teacher planning guide and planning sheets
- Suggestions on GMO and CRISPR lessons
- Optional / supplemental student activities on genetic engineering and CRISPR technology
- Grading rubrics
- Sample projects
What this product does not include:
- This resource does not include everything you need to teach about genetics, genetic engineering, and CRISPR technology. Students should have background knowledge on these topics prior to the project.
-This resource is not a print-and-go resource that you can implement tomorrow. It is a resource that will require some planning on your part before implementation.
- This resource is not for small, out of class projects. True PBL is student driven, inquiry based, multi-disciplinary, problem solving process with a public product.