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Climate change stations

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This station activity is designed to give students an overview of the human impact on climate. It is not intended to be a deep dive into climate change, but an overview of how we measure climate change and what might happen if we don't change our actions.

Station 1: Students will use Google earth engine time lapse to observe changes in Earth over time. A laptop or tablet is required at this station.

Station 2: Students will analyze the famous "hockey stick" carbon dioxide emission graph.

Station 3: Students will brainstorm ways to lower their carbon footprint.

Station 4: Students will analyze a pie chart showing the source of US greenhouse gas emissions.

Station 5: Students will read about climate refugees.

Station 6: Students will watch a YouTube clip on ice cores and how they are analyzed. A laptop or tablet is required at this station.

Station 7: Students will learn about the albedo effect. Materials needed include a heat lamp, 3 petri dishes, water, light soil, dark soil, and a thermometer. If you do not have access to these materials an albedo chart has been provided.

Station 8: Students will explore a sea level interactive from NASA. A laptop or tablet is required at this station.

Station 9: Students will read about deforestation.

Station 10: Students will measure the pH of tap water, simulated rain water, and simulated acid rain. Materials needed include 3 beakers, pH paper, water, and a strong acid such as HCl.

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